Canburak Tumer builds in public


Projects > tiniest Static Website Generator

Guessr Game > Health Buddy (Coming Soon!)

About me

About this site

This is the home page for my -side, fun, weekend etc.- projects. More than 15 years I am building things on the side or brew my ideas in notepads. Starting with 2024 I decided to make it in public. So any project I am starting and developing will be under this site's menu. I will also try to write some posts regarding the development process and stuff I had to tackle down the road i.e. learnings.

Also these articles will be saved in my archive which is created by my own tiniest Static Website Generator as also this website has been.

If you have any ideas or comments feel free to create an issue in my personal repository

Created using Tiniest Static Website on 2024-01-14 14:48:29.489866